About proxyrabbitjapan.net

Established in 2008, proxyrabbitjapan.net is your go-to source for confidently shopping for Japanese products. Our dynamic team, a group of five women, offers a comprehensive service seven days a week. From handling your purchase requests to delivering your orders, we take care of everything - even minor customs issues or postal delivery hiccups. Ensuring you have a stress-free experience is our absolute priority!
In September 2022, we made the leap from proxyrabbitjapan.com to proxyrabbitjapan.net, marking a significant domain change and a complete overhaul of our website. We've fine-tuned our pricing structure and ordering process for greater precision and enhanced security. We've cut our fees to make your shopping experience more convenient. We strictly avoid any suspicious sites or those with questionable reputations to ensure the total safety of your purchases and deliveries.
With years of dedicated service and deep understanding of the Japanese market, we offer you our expertise: we set up accounts and place orders or pre-orders on your behalf. We consolidate your orders to save on shipping costs and hold them until you're ready for delivery right at your doorstep.
Our all-female team isn't just efficient and reliable; we bring a unique perspective and approach to customer service that sets us apart. Yes, we are Japanese and are thrilled to help you explore the fascinating world of Japanese products!"