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What customers say about us - Proxy Rabbit (5)
What customers say about us - Proxy Rabbit (5)

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At proxyrabbitjapan.net, your satisfaction is our priority, and we always look forward to hearing from our customers. We offer you the opportunity to leave comments and rate our site's services.

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Scenario: You've left 2 reviews. What discount do you get?

Package Weight: 1,500g

Shipping Method: EMS from Tokyo to the USA

EMS Cost: 6,600 yen

Special Offer (-10%): 660 JPY

Your 10% discount reduces the cost to 5,940 JPY !

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Write your customer reviews within a month of receiving your order. The earlier you post, the faster you can enjoy our 10% discount on shipping fees for your next orders from proxyrabbitjapan.net.

  • Your review should relate to a product you've actually ordered and received.

  • Reviews for products that have been returned are not eligible for this discount.

  • This special offer is valid for one month from the date of your order's receipt.

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Fake reviews, whether positive or negative, are a menace that harms honest sites like proxyrabbitjapan.net, which strives for a transparent and user-friendly internet. Approximately 30% of customer comments about a website are written and posted by its competitors on social networks and forums in an attempt to influence public opinion.

We are not perfect. But, as a genuinely Japanese company, we adhere to strict ethics and reject fake reviews, even though we unfortunately have no means to prevent them. Our only recourse is to invite you to check our website and offer to become our ambassadors. We also commit to addressing your negative reviews and practically resolving your concerns. Isn't that what you're looking for, after all?

We don't purchase reviews: we will reject reviews that are unrelated to any orders (fake evaluations) or contain illegal content, such as comments disparaging our competitors or making comparisons between proxy sites.

At proxyrabbitjapan.net, no fake reviews !

Product Review Management Policy

proxyrabbitjapan easy shopping in Japan
proxyrabbitjapan easy shopping in Japan